Career Center

Receive up to $2,500 with a IACPA Educational Foundation Accounting Career Awareness Grant


  • Full-time attendance at educational accounting seminars and employment at a high school in New York State, USA.
  • Plan an activity that supports accounting as a career and features innovation in curriculum and instruction.
  • Contact a CPA to be included and to advise and assist in the activity.
  • Receive approval from all parties involved, such as school administrators, CPAs, etc.
  • Acquire quotes to support costs for the requested amount, up to $2,500, for the activity.


  • Up to half of the cost of software and application requests may be approved with proof of matching funds for the remainder of the cost.
  • Equipment costs will not be considered unless it specifically relates to an accounting process. Calculators do not qualify for grant funds.


  • Generally, no funding will be awarded for textbook requests. However, if verification is provided that the district does not provide current classroom curriculum textbooks, the IACPA Educational Foundation may consider funding all or a portion of this cost.


  • Written quotes from all vendors and activities are required.
  • Lodging may be funded for one night up to $30 per student and $50 per adult teacher or chaperone. However, extracurricular activities involved in overnight stay field trips, such as waterparks, will not be funded.
  • Meals are limited to no more than $15 per student, including tax and tip. A request for more than one day of meals, even if it equates to less than the per student maximum, may be reduced from the amount requested in the application.
  • Field trips are encouraged to request visits to organizations, accounting firms, and colleges in New York State, USA. Requests for field trips outside of New York State require an explanation of the application. Reasonable explanations may include geographical proximity to an organization in a particular industry or an organization of a particular size, which is closer to the applicant's location than a similar organization in New York State, USA.
  • Tickets to sporting/entertainment events generally will not be funded. Consideration will be given if tickets are required as part of the “accounting learning experience” and are the least expensive ticket/tour fee.
  • Coach busses will not be funded when other transportation is available. Requests for a Coach bus requires an explanation and documentation of the costs differences.
  • The cost of airfare is not funded.
  • If possible, it is preferable that students are exposed to both private and public accounting. For example, if funds requested are to expose students to the entertainment/hospitality/sports industry, consider the inclusion of a public accounting firm.


  • Grants will not be awarded for a teacher's graduate credits or continuing education programs.