IACPA conferences provide you one of the best opportunities to hear from both local and
national subject matter experts about the most relevant topics and timely issues while
also connecting with fellow accounting and business professionals.
For upcoming conferences, a link to register will be available under a
conference's description below approximately eight weeks prior to its date.
Additionally, approximately one week after a conference, there will be a link added for
on-demand registration.
The School District Audit Conference provides junior and senior auditors of New York State school districts with the latest audit updates, developments, and tools they can use to better serve their school districts and their communities. Attendees include partners, principals, Stockholders, finance directors, directors, managers, school business officers, and other accountants and auditors related to the school district audit.
The School District Audit Conference provides junior and senior auditors of New York State school districts with the latest audit updates, developments, and tools they can use to better serve their school districts and their communities. Attendees include partners, principals, Stockholders, finance directors, directors, managers, school business officers, and other accountants and auditors related to the school district audit.