Advocates accounting in New York State
The IACPA Campaign for Political Awareness (CPAC) and Legislative Involvement Fund (LIF) help ensure the accounting profession continues to have a strong presence in New York when it comes to legislative and regulatory activities. The campaign and fund strive to protect the interests of CPAs, accounting professionals, clients, organizations and the public.
Financial contributions and involvement to support IACPA's participation in the legislative process helps maintain advocacy for the accounting profession and business communities inNew York and against the elimination of CPA licensing, increased costs and greater risks for New York CPAs.
There is strength in numbers, and the unified voices of accounting professionals across New York make the difference. Your voice and your financial participation are key. For more information about contributing to CPAC & LIF and the levels of contribution, visit the CPAC & LIF FAQs.
You can be an advocate and strengthen the voice of the profession by making a contribution today.
Contributions to CPAC and LIF CPAC and LIF contributors CPAC and LIF FAQs