The selection of applicants is guided by evidence of leadership, vision and collaboration; specific skills and experience that appear to be particularly valuable to the Educational Foundation Board of Directors at the specific time; and commitment to the IACPA and the CPA profession as demonstrated by history of active participation in the IACPA. Additionally, applicants for the Educational Foundation Board of Directors must be a member of the IACPA and have a status in good standing.
- Attend all Educational Foundation Board of Directors meetings (April and October).
- Attend the Member Recognition Banquet & Annual Business Meeting (May) and New CPA Banquet (June).
- Encourage and support membership and involvement in the IACPA
- Support advocacy efforts through a contribution to CPAC or LIF.
- Support accounting career awareness by making a donation to the IACPA Educational Foundation.
The Principal shall be the principal elected official and shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Education Foundation. He or she shall perform all administrative and other functions normally associated with the Office of the President or assigned to him or her by the Board of Directors. He or she is, of course, a member of all the subcommittees.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall perform all duties relating to the Office of the Secretary/Treasurer and shall assume other duties and exercise such other authority as the President, the Investment Committee or the Investment Adviser may choose or assign to him or her from time to time. Board of Directors of the Education Foundation.
To the extent authorized by the Board of Directors of the Education Foundation, the Directors perform their duties in the following ways:
Perform duties assigned by the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Education Foundation.
Serve on assigned subcommittees.